Welsh Terrier

welsh_terrierCountry of origin:

The Welsh terriers were originally from the Wales. And that?s actually where the breed got its name. Just like other dogs, the Welsh terriers have also been used for hunting hundreds of years ago before they became a man?s best friend. On the year 1984, the Welsh terrier breed got its first break on a dog show. Initially, the breed was named according to his physical appearance and color such as the ?Old Reddish Wire haired terrier?.



Dogs coming from the Welsh terrier breed are usually medium in terms of size with their weights ranging from 20 to 22 pounds for both male and female dogs. However, male Welsh terriers tend to be ?taller? than females as their heights can reach 15 to 15.5 inches. Female terriers on the other hand just reach the height of less than 15 inches.



These dogs have super cute thick, wirelike and fluffy coat. I can definitely say, ?It?s so fluffy I?m gonna die!? The coat of a Welshie is double-layered. The top layer is the coarse fur which is the protective layer of the coat; protecting the dog from getting wet on the skin. The undercoat is the one which is responsible for insulating the dog during very cold weather. The head, body and legs of the dog usually have colors which range from tan to reddish brown to black. The coat of the dog, on the other hand is colored black but sometimes it could also be grizzle.



Welsh terriers are usually cheerful, very alert and hyperactive. If your family is into an active lifestyle and you are planning to get a dog, the Welsh terrier will be a great pick for you! These dogs can withstand playing hard and even harsh sometimes and they are also totally patient with kids, so you can have another fun loving, spontaneous, and energetic member of your family! What?s more? Terriers are also intelligent and are fast learners; so your good old book of dog tricks will definitely be useful!



Just like other breeds, Welsh terriers are also very territorial. They like creating their own conventions especially when it comes to territories, since these dogs are just so hard headed and stubborn. So you need not worry if your Welshie is gonna go berserk barking at other dogs since that is completely normal. But still, Welsh terriers can learn how to be friendly to other dogs; if and only if they had been trained at a young age.



You?re gonna need to brush your Welsh terrier?s coat at least thrice every week to make sure that their fur won?t mat and tangle. They also need plucking in their coat for at least twice in a year, or say, depending how messy their coats are. Shedding is not actually a problem for your Welshie since the breed shed very little. The life expectancy of a Welshie is 10 to 14 years; that is, of course if you can keep your beloved dog healthy and fit.


With their activeness and curiosity, Welsh terriers will definitely go for different kinds of activities and tricks. You can introduce your terrier to dog sports for fun. Also, bear in mind that trying to discipline and train your Welsh terrier will only work if you, the trainer, are authoritative and calm. You just have to be cool; there is no need to be hard on your terrier, you know. Your pet is smart enough to understand what you?re trying to say; you don?t have to act all tough and harsh. That will just lead to failure of the training. Also, repeating the trainings will just bore your dog so try teaching it different tricks.


Since Welsh terriers have so much energy in them, it would be great to let your Weshie spend its energy on different activities such as walking, jogging, or playing with toys like a ball. Your Welshie will definitely follow that ball around! Welsh terriers also love digging on the yard, so just be cool if your dog does dig up your yard. You can also take your Welshie out for a swim since that is something that they like.