How to Train an English Bull Terrier Become a Good House Pet

For people who are eyeing to own an English bull terrier dog, knowing the basics about the breed is empirical. Aside from the fact that there are things that pet owners should know about this breed of dogs, knowing the breed will also improve the wellness of the dog.

The English Bull terrier is one of the breeds of dogs that have a very terrible reputation. The breed?s unattractive and awful reputation sometimes is the reason why many first time dog owners are apprehensive in picking this breed.

But what most people didn’t know is that these dogs have soft sides too. Just like any other breeds of dogs that most people would consider as family pets, English bull terriers generally can be a good guard dogs as well as family pet.

When it comes to its physical feature, the breed has some very recognizable features particularly with its bizarre face and its muscular built. The breed’s facial feature has caused it to be referred as the gladiator of the dog family.

But despite with their awful physical features and tarnished reputation, more and more people still want to own these dogs for several reasons. To ensure that the dog’s welfare will be taken care of and the owner’s safety, especially children, will be safeguarded, important tips from the experts must be taken.

Before anything else, owners must have an idea about the breed’s temperament and overall behavior. In order to avoid potential problems, right from the start, owners must know the basics in raising dogs or puppies in particular.

Since this breed is an active dog, a constant exercise is needed. This means that the owner must devote some quality time in a day to keep the dog active since puppyhood.

To prevent potential problems connected with the bad reputation of the breed, owners must train the puppy with the right set of behavior right from the start. In short, training from puppyhood is vital in ensuring that the dog will grow less aggressive and destructive.